
Mrs. Lennon
sori ono previše sam narcisoidna.
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Bloody hell!

Ron: I'm warning you Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!
Hermione: It's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature.
Ron: A cat? Is that what they told you? It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me.
Hermione: That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. It's alright, Crookshanks. Just ignore the mean little boy.

Malfoy: You're going to regret this.
Hagrid: Class dismissed.
Malfoy: You and your bloody chicken.

Professor Snape: Which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?
[Hermione raises her hand]
Professor Snape: [without turning around] No-one? How disappointing.

Professor Trelawney: Look at the cup, tell me what you see!
Ron: Oh yeah... well, Harry's got a sort of wonky cross... that's trials and suffering. And, uh, that there could be the sun, and that's happiness, so... you're gonna suffer... but you're gonna be happy about it...

Hermione: [laughing, mocking Professor Trelawney] Broaden your minds! Use your inner eye to see the future!

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Ron: Who do you think that is?
Hermione: Professor R. J. Lupin.
Ron: Do you know everything?
[to Harry]
Ron: How is it she knows everything?
Hermione: [annoyed] It's on his suitcase, Ronald.
Ron: Oh.

Hermione: [to Buckbeak] Come on Buckbeak! Come and get the nice dead ferret!

[Hermione looks at Ron's broken leg, and they flirt by mimicking Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson]
Hermione: Ow! That looks really painful.
Ron: It's sorta painful. They uh, they might... chop it.
Hermione: I'm sure Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat.
Ron: It's too late, it's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off.

Ron: Let me get this strait. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you?
Harry: Yeah.
Hermione: But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him.
Ron: Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he's a murderous raving lunatic.
Harry: Thanks, Ron.

Horor Roxy ™
An Artist.
Armstrong Scream.
Tea Z.
Tinna Allison Fraser™
Nimwen Floyd
Johnny boy

Harry: I didn't mean to blow her up, I just... lost control.
Ron: Brilliant!
Hermione: Honestly Ron, it's not funny! Harry was lucky not to be expelled.
Harry: I think I was lucky not to have been arrested actually.
Ron: I still think it's brilliant.

Ron: She's gone mental, Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see!

Fat Lady in Painting: Ah ah ah AAAAAAAAAAAH!
[holds the note, looks around to make sure nobody's watching, then smashes the glass on the edge of the painting]
Fat Lady in Painting: Oh, amazing! And just with my voice!

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samo stoji na svjetlu i doći će kraj tami.

[referring to Professor Moody]
Ron: Brilliant, isn't he? Completely demented, of course. Terrifying to be in the same room with him. But he's really been there, you know? He's looked evil in the eye!

Professor McGonagall: The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in one night, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!
Fred: [whispering to George] Try saying that five times fast.
George: [whispering] Babbling, bumbling band of baboons.
Fred: [whispering] Babbling, bumbling band of baboons.

Ron: There's no one like Krum! He's like a bird the way he rides the wind! He's more than an athlete! He's an artist.
Ginny: I think you're in love, Ron.
Ron: Shut up!
George: [grabs one of Ron's hands and begins singing] Victor, I love you!
Fred: [grabs Ron's other hand] Victor, I do!
George, Fred, Harry: When we're apart my heart beats only for you!

George: Ready Fred?
Fred: Ready George!
George, Fred: Bottoms up!
[they drink the ageing potion together]


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Irish tap dancing

Design: murderscene
Help: nic96ole
četvrtak, 01.04.2010.
falili ste mi znate? falili su mi vaši savjeti, postovi, smijanje.
vi ste moji virtualni prijatelji.
da, proljeće me učinilo sladunjavom. ljutnja nestane samo jednim osmjehom, sve je nekako lakše.
šarena sam, kovrčava, sretna.
jednostavno, uživam.

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volim vas.

| 11:22 | Komentari (43) | On/Off | Print | # |

subota, 06.02.2010.
moram posložiti stvari u glavi.
u srijedu mi je rođendan. do tada sve mora bit sređeno.

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| 21:11 | Komentari (20) | On/Off | Print | # |

nedjelja, 24.01.2010.
Nimwen Floyd:
"No, kad smo stigli do Johna i kad sam je predstavio, on je lice iskrivio u grimasu hinjene dosade i rukom u džepu imitirao mastrubiranje. "
divan je. jednostavno nemogu prestat voljet tog čovjeka. ako vam je to čudno, čudite se.

qua °Ýng Pictures, Images and Photos

oprostite na kratkim postovima.
ponekad je samo par riječi dovoljno.

| 11:52 | Komentari (42) | On/Off | Print | # |

subota, 16.01.2010.
raspuštena kovrčava kosa. muška šlampava plava košulja. crne tajce. šarene čarape. traka na glavi i peace oko vrata.
možete li me takvu zamislit kako se kližem po laminatu i pjevam twist and shout s kuhačom umjesto mikrofona?
rađe nemojte. prizor je pomalo zastrašujuć.

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majoneza. majoneza. majoneza. majoneza. majoneza. majoneza. majoneza.

pas, obožavam te!

| 13:20 | Komentari (60) | On/Off | Print | # |

nedjelja, 10.01.2010.
ovaj post neće ličit na ništa. hrpa nabacanih misli.
mogu krenut? hvala.

prvo obavjest: zbog škole i podizanja prosjeka bit ću ovdje samo vikendom. i dalje komentirajte i javljajte za postove. čim dođem ću pregledat.
kako ovo stručno zvuči. ne sviđa mi se. mrzim uštogljenost i formalnost.

nekako baš nemam inspiracije, a vidim ni vi.
previše mi se stvari mota po glavi. unutra je prava zbrka. moram se skockat malo i glavu iz oblaka vratit na zemlju.
hej, počinje škola! ozbiljnosti malo lennonice. ovih 6mjeseci je bitno.

pritisak. falio mi je pomalo. ali mislim da cu ovo polugodište puknut.
samo se trebam smirit. Beatlesi će pomoći. o da, hoće.

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oprostite što nisam dala sve od sebe.

| 16:22 | Komentari (38) | On/Off | Print | # |